- Uncertainty ParalysisDon’t let uncertainty paralyse you. Get your mind into the right space to take the necessary action. During...
- Crisis StrengthIdentify your crisis strength. Focus on short-term survival and think about long-term opportunities A crisis, like for many...
- “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”Simplify rather than complicate. Simplify your offerings and make it easier for your target market to choose. Leonardo...
- Contagious OptimismBy Iqbal Thokan Stay positive and be optimistic. People do business with people, be optimistic and let your...
- Focused OutcomeBy Iqbal Thokan “Energy flows were focus goes” Tony Robbins. Stay focused on the outcome and not the...
- Adaptability Drives EvolutionBy Iqbal Thokan Adapt or die. “It is not the strongest of the species (business) that survives, nor...
- Position to Solve the ProblemBy Iqbal Thokan Focus on the problem you are solving. Every business is about finding a solution to...
- Positivity Breeds CreativityBy Iqbal Thokan Positivity creates an optimistic environment. Breed positivity within your business and it will bring about...
- Assimilate and DisseminateBy Iqbal Thokan Continuously learn something new and relevant every day and share it with those around you....